What's on your summer plan checklist?


With the school year coming to an end, the summer is the perfect time to get some college prep to-do's out of the way. 

Wondering what should be on your list?

Here are some of the things that should be on your to-do list for the summer:

Rising Seniors: Start creating and narrowing down your college list, study for SATs/ACTs (here's a great prep course -- it was featured on Shark Tank!), get started on drafting your college application essays (sign up for my next free class on essays), and participate in activities related to topics you might be interested in pursuing in college.

Rising Juniors: Visit colleges to get an idea of the various types of campuses (big, small, city, town, etc.), study for standardized tests, participate in summer classes or activities related to topics of interest.

Rising Sophomores: Draft a college prep calendar for what you want to accomplish by when, participate in summer classes or activities related to topics of interest, and start looking at college websites to learn about your preferences.

Rising Freshman: Create a high school plan for the next four years (including a list of what classes will fulfill college requirements, when classes are available and a reasonable schedule for honors and AP classes), join a summer program in a topic you are interested in, and read (and read and read) -- it'll help you build up your vocabulary for standardized tests later down the line (read as much as you can throughout high school and beyond).

If you haven't already, make sure to download my free College Prep Checklist to help you keep track of all your college prep to-do's for high school.

Interested in having your child work directly with me on the college prep process? Sign up for one of my upcoming free classes to learn more.

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